Expand your chances to influence travelers before they book.

Hi, we’re TravelSpike. We help Advertisers drive meaningful traffic to their sites, bookings, and signups for destinations anywhere in the world. Through the powerful combination of state-of-the-art technology and best-in-class service from industry professionals; it starts with our all-in-one technology ecosystem and results in longstanding partnerships.

Display Can’t Do It Alone.
It Takes A Village.

No single method of digital media adequately reaches your target. Which is why media mix is such a critical component to any ad campaign. Spreading out the risk has merit. Surrounding your target throughout the funnel with multiple ad products delivers results.

Corralling travel intenders can get chaotic and expensive if the reach methods are kept to a minor number of tactics. We’re thrilled to let you know profitable scale is not only possible but achievable. It just takes the right mix of media to make it real.


Display Can’t Do It Alone.
It Takes A Village.

We help travel marketers leverage more digital than they realize is available.

The ad products we’ve assembled are blended through strategic and tactical instruments interwoven specifically for the travel category. We operate under the premise that Big Data is valuable but useless if your message is never seen. The most important element of your campaign is getting your message in front of the target to influence their booking. That’s why our focus is on the ad delivery method to the consumer.

We don’t claim magicianship or wizardry. But just maybe we’re the Yin to the travel consumer’s Yang.


We leverage Travelogic™ which is our proprietary travel data, intelligence and targeting methodology that boosts performance for your digital travel campaign. Our algorithm pre-optimizes campaigns prior to launch eliminating waste and ensuring your media dollars are working more efficiently to exceed your custom KPIs. Through the powerful combination of state-of-the-art technology and best-in-class travel expertise we deliver extraordinary ROI.

This is our proprietary methodology and decision support system that we use on everything we do. Our digital ad products have been built from the ground up to deliver the strongest ROI specifically for travel and tourism advertisers. Over the last almost 25 years we have run thousands of digital travel campaigns. We leveraged the data of what has worked and what has not worked to build our own algorithm which we baked into our in-house Ad Ops Tool we call YODA. So prior to your campaign going live we don’t need to waste any of your impressions to learn what isn’t working. We have mapped travel KPIs and travel shopping behaviors back to specific placements and publishers across our travel media platform of 300 premium travel publishers.

We know which publishers and placements and media types work best for which type of travel and tourism advertisers. We know how to optimize toward bookings, visits, sign-ups, or viewability.

Data Over Intuition with TravelSpike

Mapping Ad Products to Pre­-booking Activities

There are a lot of places to run ads. We didn’t want just to be another one.

We wanted to understand how advertising impacts travelers. Setting out a comprehension course is quite a departure from finding smart placements. We reverse-engineered the pre-booking activities consumers exhibit leading right up to purchase and isolated the behaviors where advertising can be presented. Then we poured over every type of digital media available and strategically selected an ad product that maps to those consumer behaviors.
Stroke of brilliance? Maybe. Effective? Definitely.

We’re persnickety. Over 300 publisher relationships allow us to be picky when designing custom travel programs. This also allows us to only admit publishers to our platform who meet our insanely high standards. Go ahead, ask them about us. They’ll say we’re a pain in the arse about performance.

We’ll freely admit there are pubs on our list that don’t look the part of how we hope a travel site is designed. But it’s not about design quality – it’s about performance, period. And we know exactly which works for each category and brand.

We strategically leverage each pub for different reasons, crafting a custom program every time we run media. While numbers are important, it’s the blend of publishers that enhances our value.

All we’ve done is run digital media campaigns for travel advertisers since 2002. We take that historical campaign data and expertise, map the best mix of publishers and placements, and couple it with your advertiser inputs to produce the best campaign results. The most subtle adjustments can make the biggest difference, and we know which levers to pull and which buttons to push. It must be complex; look at the isometric illustration we needed to explain it!

More than 2,000 travel clients — that’s over 10,000 travel media campaigns.

More than 2,000 travel clients — that’s over 10,000 travel media campaigns. Whether you’re a DMO looking to drive more visitation, a cruise line needing higher fill on forward sailings, a hotel that needs to increase RevPAR, or an airline trying to increase an O&D yield – we’ve been there. We’re travel industry veterans from Airlines, Hotels, OTAs, and CVBs, and we’re passionate about two things: Travel and Digital.

Trust Data Over Intuition

Trust Data Over Intuition

We all know brand safety is front and center. While many tools are available to help protect you, few can say they’ve been around for over a decade. Our longevity proves the relationships we cultivate are lasting. Numbers aren’t just numbers when you have the experience and long-standing partners behind them.

We’re contrarians by nature. We see a trend and try to find its source. We see a standard and want to challenge it. We hear about new software and we want to break it.

Our due diligence, insights, and ability to see five moves ahead are what let us watch others come and go while we continue to provide advertisers with repeatable success.